
Showing posts from January, 2021


Life is so silent,  Silent in noise  Wanna hear that silence; Just pay a price. Life is so colourful, coloured in night  Can you see that darkness; just a ray of light.  Life is lonely, lonely in crowd; Oh! The silence is so loud…

Why Hurry...Take a Break

Why are you always in a hurry? Don't you at all worry. Can't you see what you're losing? Can't you feel what you're missing? Why do you, always want to be faster! Can't you observe you're just running you're just racing you're just following the blinds! So take a moment enjoy the environment And that is only meant for you. Observe yourself see where are you going you're on which path you're not bound to any oath. So free yourself flee yourself enjoy yourself Taste nature's sweetness! It's not any mistake that you take another way Just take break from your race! And, Enjoy the nature's sweetness See the sky's deepness and free yourself from your head flee yourself from your busy life forget your any tide just relax your mind And you'll find the true you inside you! You'll feel the amazing sweetness the amazing deepness the amazing satisfaction My dear friend This is meditation